7. Proposals
7.8. Proposals Payables Tab
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7.8. Proposals Payables Tab

Payables Tab

The Payables tab can be used to enter vendor invoices that are received for Purchase Orders created on this proposal. Vendor invoice can also be received from the Vendors - Receive & Pay Bills menu option. Only vendor invoices and vendor deposits can be flagged for payment.

You cannot pay vendor invoices or vendor deposit requests from the Payables tab. Vendor invoices and deposit requests must be paid from the Receive & Pay Bills window.

To view or enter Payables for this proposal, click on the Payables Tab to view the payable information.

Image ProposalsPayablesTab.JPG

If no payables have been entered for purchase orders on this proposal, then you will only see one icon and that is the "New vendor bill/deposit" icon. This icon allows you to enter vendor bills or to create a vendor deposit payables entry.

There are three tabs available under the Payables tab.

Vendor Bills Tab

The vendor bills tab is where you can enter vendor payables and vendor deposit requests. Payables can be flagged for payment but they cannot be paid from this tab. They must be paid from the Vendors - Receive & Pay Bills menu option

Memo Costs Tab

Memo Costs (additional proposal costs) can be added to a proposal using the Memo Costs tab. See below for details

Commissions Paid Tab

The Commissions Paid tab will display and commissions paid to sales reps on this proposal.

Entering a vendor payable

Payables Tab Icons on Vendor Bills tab Description
New vendor bill/deposit for this proposal This is the only icon that will exist until payables have been entered. Click on this icon to enter a vendor invoice or to create a vendor deposit payable.

Image ProposalsPayablesEntry.JPG

Create A New Vendor Invoice/Deposit Fields Description
Vendor Select the vendor that issued the payable from the drop down selection box. This selection box will display vendor names for which purchase orders have been created for on this proposal.
Type Select the payable type from the drop down selection box. You can select Bill or Deposit.
PO No Enter the first few characters/digits of the purchase order that you are creating the payable for and and matching entries will be displayed. Select the correct purchase order number from the list presented
Hold Payment If this box is checked, the payable will be placed on hold. It cannot be paid while on hold. It will appear in red text to indicate that the payable is on hold.
Invoice Amount Enter the amount of the invoice
Invoice No Enter the invoice number here
Invoice Date Enter the invoice date here. This field defaults to today's date
Date of Receipt Enter the date that your received the invoice. This field defaults to today's date
Due Date Enter the Due date of the invoice. This field defaults to today's date
Notes You can enter any text you desire here concerning this payable. Anyone reviewing this payable will see the notes entered here. This text does not appear on any documents.
Total Expenses Enter your account distribution here
Account Select the expense accounts here. For every payable that you are entering that is the direct result of a purchase order you have created, you will use your Work In Progress (WIP) account as the first expense account. You may add additional expense accounts if necessary
Amount If you are using multiple expense accounts enter the amount that is to be accrued in each account line
Memo You can enter a memo to describe any specific information about the expense line
Proposal You can enter a proposal number here to assign the costs entered to a specific proposal. If you have entered the purchase order number above, DO NOT enter a proposal number. Entering a purchase order number and a proposal number will double post the costs on this proposal.
[add more lines] If you need more distribution lines to enter your expenses, click on this link and additional expense line will appear
Save & Close After entering your payable information, click on the Save & Close button to save your payable

WIP Account Usage

When entering payables that are associated with a purchase order, you will use your Work In Progress (WIP) account as the expense account. When you enter a payable, your WIP account is debited. When you create customer invoices. your WIP account is credited. If you use accounts other than your WIP account, your WIP account will not balance.

Proposal Number Usage

When entering payables that are associated with a purchase order, you DO NOT enter the proposal number in the account distribution section. The link to the proposal is made through the purchase order number. If you add the proposal number (as well as the purchase order number) you will double post the costs on this proposal.

Additional Proposal Costs

If you have incurred costs on a project that were not covered on a purchase order for charges such as overnight fees for sending parts or drawings to a job site or customer, you can enter the costs as a payable and assign them to the proposal by entering the payable without selecting a purchase order number (because none exits) and entering the proposal number in the Proposal input field in the account distribution section. You can also enter these charges as Memo Costs covered later in this chapter.

Payables Icons After Payables Entry

After entering a payable you will have one additional icon on the Payables tab.

Payables Tab Icons Description
New vendor bill/deposit for this proposal Click on this icon to enter a vendor invoice or to create a vendor deposit payable.
Flag selected invoice for payment After selecting payables click on this icon to flag them for payment. Payables must be flagged for payment before they can be paid. After a payable has been flagged for payment it can be submitted to the Pay Bills queue to be processed for payment - See Vendors - Receive & Pay Bills. Once a payable has been flagged for payment it will appear is a flag icon where the selection icon existed. To unflag a payable, simply click on the flag icon again.

Deleting a Vendor Payable

To delete a vendor payable, click on the Vendor Bills tab under the Payables tab on your proposal. Click on the vendor payable to be deleted. You will see the Delete icon in the Bill Summary window. If a payable has been paid the delete icon will not be present. The check that the payable was paid on must be voided before a paid payable can be deleted.

Entering a Vendor Deposit Request

If your vendor requests that a deposit be paid on a purchase order, you can create your deposit request here as well.

Click on the "New vendor bill/deposit for this proposal" icon. The difference between entering a vendor invoice and creating a vendor deposit is handled in the Type field.

Image ProposalsPayablesDepositEntry.JPG

To enter a deposit request, select Deposit as the Type in the "Create a New Vendor Invoice/Deposit" window. Again, since the deposit is being generated from a purchase order, you will use your Work In Progress (WIP) account as the expense account when entering the deposit information. You Vendor Deposits account will be updated when the deposit is paid and applied to the vendor invoice you enter for the purchase order the deposit is create for.

If you have created and paid a deposit for a purchase order, be sure you enter the vendor invoice using the full amount of the invoice (don't deduct the deposit paid). The deposit amount paid on the purchase order will be automatically deducted from the invoice payment when you pay the invoice.

Memo Costs Tab

The Memo Costs tab is where you can enter additional costs on proposals that were not generated by a purchase order, such as overnight shipping fees or for any additional costs that need to be applied to the proposal. Additional costs added to a proposal via the Memo Costs function will appear in the Job Costing report and will affect the overall GP of the proposal. Since additional costs are being added, the overall GP will be reduced as well as the commission amount (if applicable).

Image ProposalsPayablesMemoCostsTab.JPG

Click on the Plus sign icon to open the New Memo Cost input window.

New Memo Costs Input Fields Description
Entry Date The default is today's date. You can adjust the date by making the date changes here
Amount Enter the total cost amount of the additional charge being added
Is this memo cost non-posting? If this box is checked, then the debit account and credit account are not required to be selected. A journal entry will not be created for this entry. The cost will still appear on the Job Costing report and will affect the proposals GP margin
Debit Account If this is a posting transaction, then you must enter a debit account and a credit to be used by the journal entry for this charge.
Credit Account If this is a posting transaction, then you must enter a debit account and a credit to be used by the journal entry for this charge.
Memo This is a free text field. The text your enter here should describe the charge. This text will appear on the Job Costing report with the cost amount.
Save & Close Click on the Save & Close button to save your Memo Cost entry. You entry will appear in the Memo Cost tab.

If you want to remove your memo cost entry from the proposal, you can click on the memo cost in the list and you will see the delete icon. Click on the delete icon and your memo cost entry will be removed.

Commissions Paid Tab

There are no icons or input fields on the Commissions Paid tab. This is strictly a display only tab. Once commissions have been paid on a proposal via the Commissions Paid report, this tab will display a line item showing when the commission was paid and the amount of the commission.

7.8. Proposals Payables Tab
7. Proposals
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